Problema Solution

In his speed boat, Walter travels upstream a distance of 36 mills, in 2 hours. Returning downstream he finds the trip takes 1.5 hours. find the speed of the boat and the speed of the corent

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t1 = 2 hours

t2 = 1.5 hours

d = 36 miles

v = the speed of the boat

x = the speed of the current

the speed upstream is v - x

the speed downstream is v + x

since speed = distance/time => distance = speed * time

(v - x)*t1 = d

(v + x)*t2 = d


(v - x)*2 = 36

(v + x)*1.5 = 36

by solving the system we find

v = 21 miles/h

x = 3 miles/h

the speed of the boat is 21 miles/h.

the speed of the current is 3 miles/h.