Problema Solution

A chemist needs 130 milliliters of 69% solution but only 65% and 78% solutions available. Find how many militiers of each that should be mixed to get the desired solution

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x = milliliters of 65% solution

y = milliliters of 78% solution

by mixing x and y we need to obtain 130 milliliters of 69% solution

x + y = 130

65% of x + 78% of y = 69% of 130

0.65*x + 0.78*y = 0.69*130

by solving the system of equation

x + y = 130

0.65*x + 0.78*y = 0.69*130

we find

x = 90 ml

y = 40 ml

we need 90 ml of 65% solution and 40 ml of 78% solution.