Problema Solution

A ball is thrown vertically upward from the ground. Its distance in feet from the ground in t seconds is s= -16t^2 +96t. After how many seconds will the ball be 128 feet from the ground?

Answer provided by our tutors

s= -16t^2 +96t

we need to find t such that s = 128 that is

-16t^2 +96t = 128

-16t^2 +96t - 128 = 0 divide both sides by -16

t^2 - 6t + 8 = 0

by solving the quadratic equation we find

t = 2 seconds that is, after 2 seconds the ball will be 28 feet from the ground

t = 4 seconds that is, after 4 seconds the ball will be 28 feet from the ground