Problema Solution

Tony was still 14 years old on Wednesday, September 9. Exactly three weeks ago he said his birthday was in 40 days. On what day of the week will Tony be 16 years old? (No leap year is involved)

Answer provided by our tutors

lets find the birthday of Tony

September 9, Wednesday - he has 14 yo

3 weeks ago will be 3*7 = 21 day before

since August has 31 day

September 9 - 21 = 31 - 12 = August 19

August 19, Wednesday - he was 14 yo

August 19 + 40 days = 19 + 5*7 + 5 = September 28, Monday

September 28, Monday - Tony's 15teenth birthday

next year he will be 16 and since it is not a leap year the year has 365 days

365 = 52*7 + 1

thus the 16teenth birthday will be on Tuesday.