Problema Solution

At the beginning of a year, the odometer on a car read 25,124 miles. At the end of the year, it read 37,364. If the car averaged 24 mpg, how many gallons did it use during the year? How much did it cost for the gas based on today's price?

Answer provided by our tutors

the miles passed will be:

37,364 - 25,124 = 12,240 miles

the care averages 24 miles per gallon so to find the total number of gallons we divide the total number of miles with 24

12,240 : 24 = 510 gallons

there 510 gallons spent during the year.

is the gas is $3.338 per gallon then the total money spent on gas will be

510*3.338 = $1702.38

the total money spent on the gas were $1702.38.