Problema Solution

the royal fruit company produces two types of fruit drinks. the first type is 55% pure fruit juice, and the second type is 80% pure fruit juice. the company is attempting to produce a fruit drink that contains 60% pure fruit juice. how many pints of each of the two existing types of drink must be used to make 80 pints of a mixture that is 60% pure fruit juice?

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x = the pints of 55% pure fruit juice, x>0

y = the pints of 80% pure fruit juice, y>0

by mixing x and y we get total of 80 pints that is

x + y = 80


55% of x + 80% of y = 60% of 80

0.55x + 0.80y = 0.60*80

by solving the system of equations

x + y = 80

0.55x + 0.80y = 0.60*80

we find

x = 64 pints

y = 16 pints

64 pints of 55% pure fruit juice and 16 pints of 80% pure fruit juice should be used to make 80 pints of a mixture that is 60% pure fruit juice.