Problema Solution

A ticket agency sells tickets to a professional basketball game. The agency charges $32.50 for each ticket, a convenience charge of $3.30 for each ticket, and a processing fee of $5.90 for the entire order. The total charge for an order is $220.70. How many tickets were purchased?

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x = the number of tickets purchased from the agency

the agency charges $32.50 for each ticket, a convenience charge of $3.30 for each ticket, and a processing fee of $5.90 for the entire order. the total charge for an order is $220.70.

(32.50 + 3.30)x + 5.90 = 220.70

35.80x = 220.70 - 5.90

35.80x = 214.8

x = 214.8/35.08

x = 6 tickets

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there were 6 tickets purchased.