Problema Solution


I hate cats. It seems like cats hate me too. I wonder why. My neighbor Madeleine loves cats. She seems to attract them in bunches, especially alley cats, tabby cats, and Manx cats. She already had three alleys, give tabbies, and two Manx cats when more of each kind of cat began to show up on her doorstep in March. The alley cats showed up first, on the first. That is, one showed up on the first, and one new one showed up every day for the rest of the month. The tabby cats began to show up on the fourth. Two showed up on the sixth. Four of them came on the sixth, and four new ones came every day for the rest of the month. How many cats did Madeleine have at the end of the month?

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The problem appears to be missing information or containing erroneous information and is unsolvable as is.