Problema Solution

Adam and Bob went apple picking in an orchard. At the end of the day, they realized that if Adam had picked 31 more apples, he would have picked twice as many as Bob picked. On the other hand, if Bob had picked 31 more apples, he would have picked twice as many as Adam picked.

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a = the number of apples Adam picked

b = the number of apples bob picked

if Adam had picked 31 more apples, he would have picked twice as many as Bob picked

a + 31 = 2b

if Bob had picked 31 more apples, he would have picked twice as many as Adam picked

b + 31 = 2a

by solving the system of equations

a + 31 = 2b

b + 31 = 2a

we find

a = 31 apple

b = 31 apple

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Adam picked 31 apple.

Bob picked 31 apple.