Problema Solution

2 adult and 3 kids can build a doghouse in 16 days, while 3 adults and 7 kids finish it in 10 days. how many days will 20 kids working together will finish it?

Answer provided by our tutors


a = the days that 1 adult needs to finish a doghouse

1/a house per days is the rate of the adult

k = the days that 1 kid needs to finish a doghouse

1/k house per days is the rate of the kd

2 adult and 3 kids can build a doghouse in 16 days

2/a + 3/k = 1/16

3 adults and 7 kids finish it in 10 days

3/a + 7/k = 1/10

multiply the first equation by 3 and subtract the second equation multiplied by 2 and you will get

3(2/a + 3/k) - 2(3/a + 7/k) = 3/16 - 2/10

6/a + 9/k - 6/a - 14/k = 3/16 - 1/5

9/k - 14/k = 3/16 - 1/5

by solving the equation we find

k = 400 days

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one kid will finish the house in 400 days thus 20 kids will finish the dog house 20 times faster in 20 times less days

400/20 = 20 days

20 kids will finish the house in 20 days.