Problema Solution

Given that the volume of a cylinder is 142 cm3, and the radius of the cylinder is twice the height, find the surface Area of the cylinder.

Note: Your answer must be a number. No arithmetic operations are allowed.

Answer provided by our tutors


r = the radius of the cylinder

h = the height of the cylinder

V = 142 cm^3 the volume of the cylinder

the radius of the cylinder is twice the height

r = 2h

the volume is calculated by the formula V = r^2*pi*h

r^2 * pi * h = 142

4 h^3 * pi = 142

h = (142/(4 pi))^(1/3)

the area of the cylinder is A = 2r*pi*h + 2*r^2*pi

lets plug 2h = r into the last equation

A = r^2*pi + 2 r^2 * pi

A = 3*r^2*pi

A = 3*V/h

A = 3V/((142/(4 pi))^(1/3))

A = 3*142/((142/(4*3/14))^(1/3))

A = 77.56 cm^3

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