Problema Solution

A Staff hospital dietician has two prepackaged mixtures of vitamin additives available for patients. Mixture 1 contains 5 grams of vitamin C and 3 grams of niacin; mixture 2 contains 6 grams of vitamin C and 5 grams of niacin. On a average day she needs 87 grams of niacin and 117 grams of vitamin C. How many packets of each mixture will she need.

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x = the number of packets of Mixture 1

y = the number of packets of Mixture 2

on a average day she needs 87 grams of niacin

3x + 5y = 87

and 117 grams of vitamin C

5x + 6y = 117

by solving the system of equations

3x + 5y = 87

5x + 6y = 117

we find

x = 9 packets

y = 12 packets

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She will need 9 packets of the Mixture 1 and 12 packets of the Mixture 2.