Problema Solution

Nelson and Olivia take part in a memory contest. They are seeing how many words they can memorize in five minutes. Nelson can memorize 20 fewer words than twice as many as Olivia can memorize. The mean number of words they can memorize is 212. How many words can Nelson memorize in five minutes?

Answer provided by our tutors


n = the number of words Nelson can memorize

o = the number of words Olivia can memorize

nelson can memorize 20 fewer words than twice as many as Olivia can memorize

n = 2*o - 20

the mean number of words they can memorize is 212

(n + o)/2 = 212

by solving the system of equations

n = 2*o - 20

(n + o)/2 = 212

we find

n = 276 words

o = 148 words

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Nelson can memorize 276 words in 5 minutes.