Problema Solution

two air planes leave at the same airport at the same time. The airplane flying east travels at an average speed that is 20 mph faster than the airplane flying north. If the two airplanes are 680 mi apart after 1 hr, find the average speed of each airplane to the nearest mile per hour.

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v1 = the speed of the plane traveling east, v1>0

v2 = the speed of the plane traveling north, v2>0

t = 1 hr

the airplane flying east travels at an average speed that is 20 mph faster than the airplane flying north

v1 = 20 + v2

since speed = distance/time => distance = time*speed and using the Pythagorean Theorem we have

(v1*t)^2 + (v2*t)^2 = 680^2

plug v1 = 20 + v2 into the last equation

(20 + v2)^2 + v2^2 = 680^2

by solving we find

v2 = 471 mph

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v1 = 471 + 20

v1 = 491 mph

the average speed of the planes are 471 mph and 491 mph.