Problema Solution

A private plane traveled from Seattle to a rugged wilderness, at an average speed of 144 mph. On the return trip, the average speed was 180 mph. If the total traveling time was 8 hours, how far is Seattle from the wilderness?

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v1 = 114 mph the speed of the plane from Seattle to Rugged Wilderness

t1 = time of the trip from Seattle to Rugged Wilderness, t1>0

v2 = 180 mph the speed of the plane from Rugged Wilderness to Seattle

t2 = time of the trip from Rugged Wilderness to Seattle, t2>0

d = the distance from Seattle to Rugged Wilderness

the total traveling time was 8 hours

t1 + t2 = 8

since speed = distance/time => distance = speed*time

v1*t1 = v2*t2

114t1 = 180t2

by solving the system of equations

t1 + t2 = 8

114t1 = 180t2

it is enough to find one of the times t1 or t2

t1 = 240/49 h

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d = v1*t1

d = 144*(240/49)

d = 705.3 mi

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the distance from Seattle to Rugged Wilderness is 705.2 miles.