Problema Solution

A certain kilometer post on a road running N67E is 2km N30W of a police observation tower. Ten minutes after a car passes this post it is seen to bear N33E of the tower. If the speed limit is 50kph, was the driver over speeding or not? how fast was he driving?

Answer provided by our tutors

let d = the distance the driver made in t = 10 min = 1/6 hr

make a good drawing (at the moment we dont have the option to make drawings) and then use the Law of Sines

d/(sin(66)) = 2/(sin(34))

by solving we find

d = 3.27 km

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she speed of the driver v = d/t

v = 3.27/(1/6)

v = 19.62 kph

the speed of the driver was 19.62 kph

19.61 < 50

the driver was not over speeding.