Problema Solution

Mrs. Brown’s Girl Scout

troop had a car wash to earn

some funds. They saved 



the money. They used 


of the

remaining money to go horseback

riding. They then had

$100.00 left. How much did they

initially make washing cars?

Answer provided by our tutors

We assumed 'saved 16' to mean 'saved $16.00' and we also assume 'used 12' to mean 'used $12.00'.

The total amount initially made is $100 plus the amounts saved and spent on horseback riding. We also assume that the $16 saved is not a part of the $100.00 left over (even though that money has not been spent... presumably it was set aside in a special fund).

Based on these assumptions, the initial amount would be:


so the initial amount made washing cars would appear to have been $128.00