Problema Solution

Frank made a 205 mile bike ride in 8 hours. His speed varied directly as the speed of the tailwind and inversely as the square root of the degree of the incline. He traveled at 20mph when the tail wind was 10 mph and incline was 25 degrees. How fast( to nearest tenth) would he travel with a 5 mph tailwind on a 36 degree incline?

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v = the speed of Frank

t = the tale wind

d = the degree of the incline

we can describe the speed by:

v = k*t/(√d)

where k is constant that we need to find.

He traveled at 20mph when the tail wind was 10 mph and incline was 25 degrees

20 = k*10/(√25)

k = 20*5/10

k = 10

thus the formula for Frank's speed is:

v = 10*t/(√d)

if he travels with a tale wind of t = 5 mph and d = 36 degrees his speed is

v = 10*5/(√36)

v = 50/6 mph

v = 8 1/3 mph

v = 8.3 mph (to the nearest tenth)