Problema Solution

a boy puts the same number of penniesneach week into a money box. the weekly amount is more than one penny and the box startes empty. after a few weeks there was a total of 65p in the box, an a few weeks later there was a total of £1.04. How many pennies does he put into the box each week?

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p = the number of pennies the boy puts into the money box each week, p>1, p is integer

£1.04 = 104 p

after a few weeks (lets say n weeks) there was a total of 65p

pn = 65

an a few weeks (lets say m weeks) later there was a total of £1.04

pn + pm = 104

65 + pm = 104

pm = 39

now we have

pn = 65 => p|65

pm = 39 => p|39

p|65, p|39, p>1

since 39 = 3*13 we have the following possibilities:

if p = 3 then 3 does not divide 65 follows p is not 3.

Of p = 13 and 13|65 follows the solution is p = 13 p.

Every week the boy puts 13 pennies into the money box.