Problema Solution

A company manufactures both liquid crystal display (LCD) and cathode ray tube (CRT) color monitors. The cost of materials for a CRT monitor is $60, whereas the cost of materials for an LCD monitor is $180. The cost of labor to manufacture a CRT monitor is $80, whereas the cost of labor to manufacture an LCD monitor is $140. During a week when the company has budgeted $13740 for materials and $12320 for labor, how many LCD monitors does the company plan to manufacture?

Answer provided by our tutors


l = the number of LCD monitors manufactured

c = the number of CRT monitors manufactured

60c + 180l = 13740

80c + 140l = 12320

by solving the above system of equations we find

c = 49 CRT monitors

l = 60 LCD monitors

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the company plans to manufacture 60 LCD monitors.