Problema Solution

justin and tisha are hiking north along the same trail. Tisha is hiking at a comfortable rate of 3 mph and passes a large hollow hickory tree at 2:38 pm, justin is speeding along at a brisk rate of 6 mph and passes the tree at 3:08 pm. at what time will justin catch up to tisha?

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between 2:38 pm and 3:08 pm there are 30 min = 0.5 hr

let t be the time difference in hours after 3:08 pm when Justin and Tisha meet:

(t + 0.5)*3 = t*6

by solving we find

t = 0.5 hr

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0.5 hr or 30 min after 3:08 pm is 3:38 pm

At 3:38 pm Justin will catch up to Tisha.