Problema Solution

Julia returned storm bottles to the store. She received $1.60 in quarters, dimes, and nickels. User these clues to determine the number of each kind of coin. She received at least 1 of each coin. There are more dimes than nickels. There is an even number of quarters. There are as many quarters and nickels to get her as there are dimes.

Answer provided by our tutors

1 nickle = 5 cents

1 dime = 10 cents

1 quarter = 25 cents


n = the number of nickels, n>0

d = the number of dimes, d>0

q = the number of quarters, q>0

She received $1.60 = 160 cents in quarters, dimes, and nickels

5n + 10d + 25q = 150 divide both sides by 5

n + 2d + 5q = 30

She received at least 1 of each coin.




There are more dimes than nickels.


There is an even number of quarters


There are as many quarters and nickels to get her as there are dimes:

q + n = d

plug q + n = d into n + 2d + 5q = 30

n + 2(q + n) + 5q = 30

3n + 7q = 30

since 2|q follows 2|n

let q = 2 by solving for n we have

3n + 7*2 = 30

3n = 30 - 14

3n = 16

n = 16/3

follows q is not 2 since 16/3 is not integer

for q = 4

3n + 7*4 = 30

3n = 30 - 28

n = 2/3

follows q is not 4 since 2/3 is not integer

for q = 6

3n + 7*6 = 30

3n = - 12

but n > 0 thus this problem has no solutions.