Problema Solution

Sells almonds for $6.50 per pound and almonds for $8.00 per pound. How much of each should be used to make a 50 pound mixture that sells for 7.40 per pound

Answer provided by our tutors


x = pounds of the $6.50 per pound almonds

y = pounds of the $8.00 per pound almonds

the new mix is 50 pounds thus:

x + y = 50

and it sells for $7.40 per pound:

6.50x + 8.00y = 7.40*50

by solving the system of equations

x + y = 50

6.50x + 8.00y = 7.40*50

we find

x = 20 lbs

y = 30 lbs

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20 pounds of the $6.50 per pound almonds and 30 pounds of the $8.00 per pound almonds should be used.