Problema Solution

A total amount of 83,000 is to be invested, some in bonds and some in CDs. If the amount invested in bonds is to exceed that in CDs by 8,000, how much will be invested in each type of investment?

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b = the money invested in bonds

c = the money invested in CD

A total amount of 83,000 is to be invested, some in bonds and some in CDs:

b + c = 83,000

b = 83,000 - c

The amount invested in bonds is to exceed that in CDs by 8,000:

b > c + 8000

plug b = 83,000 - c into the last inequality:

83,000 - c >= c + 8000

by solving we find

c <= $37,500

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b >= 83,000 - 37,500

b > $45,500

not more than $37,500 will be invested in CDs and not less than $45,500 in bonds.