Problema Solution

a truck enters a highway driving 60 mph. a car enters the highway at the same place 8 minutes later then drives 65 mph in the same direction. from the time the car enters the highway, how long will it take the car to pass the truck

Answer provided by our tutors


v1 = 60 mph the speed of the truck

t + 8/60 = the time of the travel of the truck

v2 = 65 mph the speed of the car

t = the time of the travel of the car until it passes the car, t>0

After t hours the car and the truck will pass the same distance, and since distance = speed*time we have:

v1*(t + 8/60) = v2*t

60(t + 8/60) = 65t

by solving we find:

t = 1.6 ht

t = 1 hr 0.6*60 min

t = 1 hr 36 min

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it will take 1 hour and 36 minutes for the car to pass the truck.