Problema Solution

As a part of her training routine, Shayelle alternates between cycling and running for exercise. She cycles at a rate of 16mph and runs at a rate of 8mph. If she spends 5.5 hours exercising and covers a total of 80 miles. How much time did she spend on each exercise?

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c = the time she spends cycling

r = the time she spends running

she spends 5.5 hours exercising:

c + r = 5.5

and covers a total of 80 miles:

16c + 8r = 80 divide both sides by 8

2c + r = 10

by solving the system of equations:

c + r = 5.5

2c + r = 10

we find:

c = 4.5 h

r = 1 h

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Shayelle cycles 4.5 hours and runs for an 1 hour.