Problema Solution

A Census taker knocks on a door.A mother answers. The census taker says" I need to know the number of children you have, and their ages." The woman respond in puzzle-ease, " I have 3 daughters, the product of their ages is 36, and the sum of their ages is equal to the house number next door." The census taker, who never wastes questions, computes for a while and then asks, " Does your oldest daughter love dogs?" The mother answers affirmatively. The census taker says, " Thank you. I know now the ages."

What are the ages of the children?

Answer provided by our tutors

The investigator could not get the answer even after checking the street number of next door neighbor. This gives us the clue that there are more than one case where the sum of their ages is the street number of next door neighbor. From above possibilities, only sum 13 has two cases. The case 2, 2, 9 will be more likely the case because the oldest daughter(age 9) likes dogs.