Problema Solution

two trains are moving towards each other at 550 miles apart. the first train is moving at a constant speed of 30mph where the other is moving at 40 mph. if they departed at 2:00 pm, what time will they me 150 miles apart

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v1 = 30 mph the speed of the first train

v2 = 40 mph the speed of the second train

the trains are 550 miles apart and after some time t, they will be 150 miles apart. this means that their total distance traveled will be:

d = 550 - 150

d = 400 mi

t = the time of the travel

since distance = speed*time we have:

v1*t + v2*t = d

30t + 40t = 400

by solving we find:

t = 40/7 hr

t = 5 hr (5/7)*60 min

t = 5 hr 43 min

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5 hr 43 min after 2:00 pm is 7:43 pm.

at 7:43 pm the two trains will be 150 miles apart.