Problema Solution

Write an equation for the line with x-intercept of -8 and y-intercept of 56.

Find the area of a triangle formed by the coordinate axes and the line 6x+2y-12=0.

Answer provided by our tutors

Write an equation for the line with x-intercept of -8 and y-intercept of 56.

Find the area of a triangle formed by the coordinate axes and the line 6x+2y-12=0.



The line pass two points (-8,0) and (0,56)

So we assume the line is y = ax + b

-8a + b = 0

b = 56


a = 7

b = 56


the equation is y = 7x + 56


The x-intercept is 2 and y-intercept is 6.

So the area of triangle = x*y/2 = 2*6/2 =6