Problema Solution

Suppose a market research compay finds that at a price of p=$20, they wwould sell x=42 tiles each month if thh plan t lothe price to p=$10, the more peopl would purchase any tile. and they equation and they sell x=52 tiles in a month's time. find the equation line in the drmand euation. Write the answer in the form p=mx+b.

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Suppose a market research compay finds that at a price of p=$20, they wwould sell x=42 tiles each month if thh plan t lothe price to p=$10, the more peopl would purchase any tile. and they equation and they sell x=52 tiles in a month's time. find the equation line in the drmand euation. Write the answer in the form p=mx+b.


We assume p = mx + b

x = 42, p = 20

x=  52, p = 10


m = -1

b = 62

So the equation is

p = -x + 62