Problema Solution

Aidan drives to school and back each day. The school is 16 miles from his home. He averages 40 miles per hour on his way to school. If his total trip takes 1 hour, at approximately what speed does Aidan drive home?

Answer provided by our tutors


v1 = 40 mph the speed to school

t1 = the time needed to go to school

v2 = the speed back from school

t2 = the time needed to come back from school

d = 16 mi the distance from the home to school

since speed = distance/time follows time = distance/speed

t1 + t2 = 1 hr the total time of the trip

t1 = d/v1

t1 = 16/40

t2 = d/v2

t2 = 16/v2

plug t1 = 16/40 and t2 = 16/v2 into t1 + t2 = 1:

16/40 + 16/v2 = 1

by solving we find:

v2 = 26.67 mph

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Aidan drives home at a speed of 26.67 mph approximately.