Problema Solution

jack has marble that has a radius of 0.7 cm.he puts together 10 such marbles to form a inverted triangle composite solid.what is the volume of composite solid?

Answer provided by our tutors

We will assume that the marbles are spheres.

A composite solid is where we obtain a new solid by adding or subtracting 2 or more solids.

In our case we have 10 spheres that we need to add.

To find the volume of a composite solid we determine the volumes of the simpler solids (the spheres) of which it is composed, and then perform the necessary addition.

The volume of one sphere is:

V = (4/3)r^3 pi, where r is the radius is the sphere, r = 0.7 cm

The volume of composite solid is: 10V or

10V = 10*(4/3)r^3 pi = 10*(4/3)(0.7^3) 3.14 = 14.36 cm^3

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