Problema Solution

Originally the dimensions of a rectangle were 20 cm by 23 cm. When both dimensions were decreased by the same amount, the area of the rectangle decreased by 120 cm^2. find the dimensions of the new rectangle.

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x = the amount of decreasing, x>0, x<=20

l = 23 cm the length of the rectangle

w = 20 cm the width of the rectangle

l - x = 23 - x the decreased length

w - x = 20 - x the decreased width

the area of the original rectangle is A1 = l*w

the area of the decreased rectangle is A2 = (l - x)(w - x)

A1 - A2 = 120

l*w - (l - x)(w - x) = 120

23*20 - (23 - x)(20 - x) = 120

by solving we find:

x = 3 cm

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23 - 3 = 20 cm

20 - 3 = 17 cm

the dimensions of the new rectangle are: the length is 20 cm and the width is 17 cm.