Problema Solution

Domingo picks up 5 coins from his collection of quarters and nickels .Is it possible for him to pick up exactly $0.50?

Answer provided by our tutors

1 quarter = 25 cents

1 nickle = 5 cents


q = the number of quarters Doming picks up, q is integer, q >= 0

n = the number of nickles Domingo picks up, n is integer, n >= 0

Domingo picks up 5 coins from his collection of quarters and nickels:

q + n = 5

lets assume he picks up exactly $0.50 = 50 cents. in that case we have:

25q + 5n = 50 divide both sides by 5

5q + n = 10

by solving the system of equations:

q + n = 5

5q + n = 10

we find:

q = 3.75

n = 1.25

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since the solutions are not integers (there are no integer solutions of the system) follows Domingo can not pick up exactly $0.50.