Problema Solution

Jessica drove to the mountains last weekend. There was heavy traffic on the way there, and the trip took 9 hours. When Jessica drove home,there was no traffic and the trip only took 4 hours. If her average rate was 40 miles per hour faster on the trip home, how far away does Jessica live from the mountains?

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v = Jessica's speed to the mountains

v + 40 = Jessica's speed back home

t1 = 9 hr the time of the travel to the mountains

t2 = 4 hr the time of the travel back

since distance = speed*time we have

v*t1 = (v + 40)*t2

9v = 4(v + 40)

by solving we find:

v = 32 mph

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the distance = speed*time = 32*9 = 288 mi.

Jessica lives 288 miles away from the mountains.