Problema Solution

40% students voted for Jenn,60% for kevin, there are 300 many more students voted for Kevin than Jenn?

Al ate 24 peanuts.this represents 75% of the many were originally in the bag?

Answer provided by our tutors

40% students voted for Jenn, 60% for kevin, there are 300 many more students voted for Kevin than Jenn?

40% of 300 is: 0.40*300 = 120 votes for Jenn

60% of 300 is: 0.60*300 = 180 votes for Kevin

180 - 120 = 60

60 students more voted for Kevin.

Al ate 24 peanuts.this represents 75% of the many were originally in the bag?

let x = the number of peanuts originally in the bag

75% of x is 24

0.75x = 24

by solving we find:

x = 32 peanuts

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there were 32 peanuts originally in the bag.