Problema Solution

On Christmas, Ben received three times as many gifts as Tim, but their neighbor Dan received 11 more gifts than Tim. If they received 65 gifts in total, how many gifts did Ben, Dan, and Tim receive?

Answer provided by our tutors


b = the number of gifts Ben received, b is integer

d = the number of gifts Dan received, d is integer

t = the number of gifts Time received, t is integer

Ben received three times as many gifts as Tim:

b = 3t

their neighbor Dan received 11 more gifts than Tim:

d = 11 + t

they received 65 gifts in total:

b + d + t = 65

by solving the system of equations:

b = 3t

d = 11 + t

b + d + t = 65

we find:

b = 32.4 gifts

d = 21.8 gifts

t = 10.8 gifts

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since the number of gifts must be positive integer follows that it is impossible to divide the gifts in the described manner.