Problema Solution

Two streetcars aer 11 miles apart and traveling toward each other on parallel tracks. They meet at 12 minutes. Find the speed each streetcars if one travels 15 miles per hour faster than the other.

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v1 = the speed of the first street car

v2 = the speed of the second street car

d = 11 mi the distance between the cars

t = 12 min = 12/60 hr = 1/5 hr the time of the travel

since speed = distance/time we have distance = speed*time

the distance traveled by the first car + the distance traveled by the second car = the total distance

v1*t + v2*t = d

t(v1 + v2) = d

(1/5)(v1 + v2) = 11 multiply both sides by 5

v1 + v2 = 55

one travels 15 miles per hour faster than the other:

v2 = v1 + 15

by solving the system of equations:

v1 + v2 = 55

v2 = v1 + 15

we find:

v1 = 20 mph

v2 = 35 mph

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the speed of the first car is 20 mph.

the speed of the second car is 35 mph.