Problema Solution

Two cars, which are 416 miles apart and whose speeds differ by 4 miles per hour, are moving toward each other. If they meet in 4 hours, find the speed of each car. (Enter your answers as a comma-separated list.)

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d = 416 mi the distance between the cars

v = the speed of the first car, v>0

v + 4 = the speed of the second car

t = 4 hr the time of the travel of the cars

since distance = speed*time we have:

vt + (v + 4)t = 416

v*4 + (v + 4)4 = 416

by solving we find:

v = 50 mph

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v + 4 = 50 + 4 = 54 mph

the speeds of the cars are: 50 mph and 54 mph.