Problema Solution

On the basis of data form 1990 to 2006 the median income y in year x for men and women is approximated by equations given below where x=o corresponds to 1990 and y is in constant 2006 dollars. If these equations remain valid un the future when will the median income of men and women be the same? Men -249x+2y= 56396 Women -833x+3y=47754

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For men:

-249x+2y= 56396

y = (1/2)(56396 + 249x)

For women:


y = (1/3)(47754 + 833x)

we need to find x such (1/2)(56396 + 249x) = (1/3)(47754 + 833x)

by solving the equation:

(1/2)(56396 + 249x) = (1/3)(47754 + 833x)

we find:

x = 80.17 years

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80.17 corresponds to the year of 1990 + 80.17 = 2070.