Problema Solution

A farmer has 1,320 acres of land on which he grows corn, wheat, and soybeans. It costs $45 per acre to grow corn, $60 to grow wheat, and $50 to grow soybeans. Because of market demand the farmer will grow twice as many acres of wheat as of corn. He has allocated $70,500 for the cost of growing his crops. How many acres of each crop should he plant?

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x = acres of corn

y = acres of wheat

z = acres of soybeans

a farmer has 1,320 acres of land on which he grows corn, wheat, and soybeans:

x + y + z = 1320

the farmer will grow twice as many acres of wheat as of corn:

y = 2x

he has allocated $70,500 for the cost of growing his crops:

45x + 60y + 50z = 70500

by solving the system of equations:

x + y + z = 1320

y = 2x

45x + 60y + 50z = 70500

we find:

x = 300 acres

y = 200 acres

z = 420 acres

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he should plant 300 acres of corn, 200 acres of wheat and 420 acres of soybeans.