Problema Solution

A tree is planted at a point (M) on horizontal ground.Two points A and B on the ground are 100 feet apart. The angles of elevation of the top of the tree (T) from the points A and B are 45 DEGREE and 30 DEGREE respectively. The measure of Triangle AMB is 60 DEGREE. Find the height of the tree

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h = the height of the tree

make good drawing and notice the right triangles. we will use tangent trigonometry function:

tan 45 = h/AM

h/AM = 1 (tan 45 = 1)

h = AM

tan 30 = h/BM

h/BM = pi/6 (tan 30 = pi/6)

since h = AM we have AM/BM = pi/6

using the Law of cosines we have:

100^2 = AM^2 + BM^2 - 2 AM BM cos 60

AM^2 + BM^2 - 2 AM BM (1/2) = 100^2 (cos 60 = 1/2)

AM^2 + BM^2 - AM BM = 10000

lets denote AM = a, BM = b

now we have the system of equations:

a/b = pi/6 => a = pi*b/6 plug into

a^2 + b^2 - a*b = 10000

(pi*b/6)^2 + b^2 - (pi*b/6)*b = 10000

pi = 3.14

(3.14*b/6)^2 + b^2 - (3.14*b/6)*b = 10000

b = 115.43

a = pi*b/6

a = 3.14*115.43/6

a = 60.41 ft

since h = AM = a we have our answer

the tree is 60.41 feet high!