Problema Solution

Rita rode her bike to visit a friend who lives 12 miles away. On her way there, her average speed was 5 miles per hour faster than on her way home. If Rita spent a total of 2 hour riding her bike, find the two rates . Mph to and from her friends house

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v = Rita's rate on her way home, v>0

v + 5 = Rita's rate to her friends house (On her way there, her average speed was 5 miles per hour faster than on her way home)

t = 2 hr the total time of the travel

d = 12 mi the distance Rita rode in each direction

since speed = distance/time we have time = distance/speed

the time traveling to her friends house + the time traveling back = the total time

d/(v + 5) + d/v = t

12/(v + 5) + 12/v = 2

by solving we find:

v = 10 mph

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v + 5 = 10 + 5 = 15 mph.

Rita's speed to her friends house was 15 mph.

Rita's speed on the way back was 10 mph.