Problema Solution

An aircraft carrier left the Dania Pier and traveled toward St. Vincent at an average speed of 25 km/h. Some time later a container ship left traveling in the opposite direction with an average speed of 10 km/h. After the aircraft carrier had traveled for 12 hours the ships were 370 km apart. How long did the container ship travel?

Answer provided by our tutors

we will assume that the container ship is travelling in opposite direction starting from Dania Pier

v1 = 25 km/h the speed of the aircraft container

v2 = 10 km/h the speed of the container ship

t1 = 12 hr the time of the travel of the aircraft container

t2 = the time of the travel of the container ship

d = 370 km the distance between the aircraft and the ship

since speed = distance/time follows distance = speed*time

v1*t1 + v2*t2 = d

25*12 + 10*t2 = 370

by solving we find:

t2 = 7 hr

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the container ship traveled 7 hours.