Problema Solution

Freemont is approximately 500 km north of Shaky Acres. If the plate under Shaky Acres is moving at 15 mm per year towards Fremont, how long will it take for Shaky Acres to be located next to Fremont?

Answer provided by our tutors

1 km = 1000 m = 10^3 m = !0^3*10^3 mm = 10^6 mm

500 km = 500*10^6 mm = 5*10^8 mm

let t = the time in years that will take for Shaky Acres to be located next to Fremont

t*15 = 5*10^8

t = 5*10^8/15 years

t = 3.33*10^7 years

it will take 3.33*10^7 years approximately for Shaky Acres to be located next to Fremont.