Problema Solution

A pet store sells cats for $60 and dogs for $100. If one day it sells a total of 12 pets and makes $920, find out how many cats and dogs it sold by writing a system of equations and graphing to solve it.

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c = the number of cats sold

d = the number of dogs sold

one day it sells a total of 12 pets and makes $920:

c + d = 12

60c + 100d = 920

by solving the above system of equations we find:

c = 7 cats

d = 5 dogs

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60c + 100d = 920 divide both sides by 20

3c + 5d = 46

lets draw the graph of the system of equations:

c + d = 12

3c + 5d = 46

the intersection of these 2 lines (7, 5) gives the solution : 7 cats and 5 dogs

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