Problema Solution

A party rental company has chairs and tables for rent. The total cost to rent 2 chairs and 5 tables is $53. The total cost to rent 8 chairs and 3 tables is $42.What is the cost to rent each chair and each table?

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c = the cost to rent a chair

t = the cost to rent a table

The total cost to rent 2 chairs and 5 tables is $53:

2c + 5t = 53

The total cost to rent 8 chairs and 3 tables is $42:

8c + 3t = 42

by solving the system of equations:

2c + 5t = 53

8c + 3t = 42

we find:

c = $1.5

t = $10

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each chair costs $1.5 to rent.

each table costs $10 to rent.