Problema Solution

Kobe collected $18.50 more than amari, and DJ collected $12.25 less than Kobe. Altoghter the three boys collected $95.70. How much did DJ collect.

Answer provided by our tutors


k = the money that Kobe collected

a = the money that Amari collected

d = the money that DJ collected

Kobe collected $18.50 more than Amari:

k = 18.50 + a

DJ collected $12.25 less than Kobe:

d = k - 12.25

Altogether the three boys collected $95.70:

k + a + d = 95.70

by solving the system of equations:

k = 18.50 + a

d = k - 12.25

k + a + d = 95.70

we find:

a = $23.65

k = $42.15

d = $29.90

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DJ collected $29.90.