Problema Solution

42 Students vote on mascot gorilla received 8 votes the python received 3 times as many as giraffe and crocodile received 2 more the gorilla how many votes did each animal receive?

Answer provided by our tutors


g1 = the number of votes the gorilla received

p = the number of votes the python received

g2 = the number of votes the giraffe received

c = the number of votes the crocodile received

42 Students vote on mascot:

g1 + p + g2 + c = 42

gorilla received 8 votes:

g1 = 8 votes

the python received 3 times as many as giraffe:

p = 3g2

crocodile received 2 more than the gorilla:

c = 2 + g1

c = 2 + 8

c = 10 votes

by solving the system of equations:

8 + p + g2 + 10 = 42

p = 3g2

we find:

p = 18 votes

g2 = 6 votes

click here to see the step by step solution of the system of equations:

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the gorilla received 8 votes.

the python received 18 votes.

the giraffe received 6 votes.

the crocodile received 10 votes.