Problema Solution

Vince has 5 times as many dimes as nickels. In all he has $2.20. How many dimes does he have?

Answer provided by our tutors

1 nickel = 5 cents

1 dime = 10 cents


n = the number of nickels, n>=0, n is integer

d = the number of dimes, d>=0, d is integer

Vince has 5 times as many dimes as nickels:

d = 5n

In all he has $2.20 = 220 cents:

5n + 10d = 220

by solving the system of equations:

d = 5n

5n + 10d = 220

we find:

d = 20 dimes

n = 4 nickles

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Vince has 20 dimes.